sriracha swiss chard bowl
‘Buddha’ bowls have been all the rage. Basically, it’s a collection of food, raw or cooked, assembled in a bowl. This bowl uses Swiss chard, which some folks find challenging. Swiss chard is a dark, leafy green vegetable loaded with nutrients such as Vitamins C and K and antioxidants. Here is a simple way to use your Swiss chard. You get spice from the Sriracha which is tempered by the dairy, so if you don’t love the earthy flavor of Swiss chard, here’s a way to get it into your diet with some complimentary, more palatable flavors.
This recipe makes 2 generous lunch or dinner portions. It’s quick and easy so the perfect recipe for those nights when you really don’t want to cook!
2 bunches Swiss chard, rinsed, leaves removed from stems
Sauteed Swiss chard is the base of your bowl.
1/2 Tbs olive oil
1 tsp minced garlic
1/2 cup Basmati rice
Zest and juice from 1 lime
1/2 Tbs liquid aminos or soy sauce
4 Tbs plain, whole-milk Greek yogurt or sour cream, divided
2 tsp Sriracha, divided
4 banana peppers
1 medium peach, cut in bite-sized pieces, divided
Add rice for the 2nd layer, then top with peaches, banana pepper rings and yogurt or sour cream.
Chop the Swiss chard and cook Basmati rice according to package directions.
Heat olive oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic to brown.
Add Swiss chard to skillet, stirring constantly so the leaves don’t burn.
Cook 5-7 min until chard wilts and reduces in volume by about half.
Add the lime zest and juice and soy sauce or liquid aminos.
Cook chard 2 more min then turn off heat.
Cut banana peppers into rings.
To assemble, put half the rice into one bowl and half into a second bowl.
Add half the Swiss chard to one bowl and the other half to the other bowl.
Top each bowl with half the banana pepper rings and peaches.
Add 2 Tbs of the yogurt to each bowl.