herbed chickpea burgers
You can buy veggie burgers at any grocery store, so why make your own? I’ll tell you. It’s a way to use some summer veggies in a different way. If you’re tired of sauteed squash or roasted carrots, here’s a way to use them. These burgers are delicious, but let’s be clear, they don’t taste like a beef burger and the consistency isn’t like a beef burger either. These burgers are easy to make and they are delicate. I grilled them on a piece of aluminum foil and they held together fine, but you can’t slap them around like you can a beef burger. You could also fry them in a little olive oil in a cast iron skillet.
The herbs in this recipe make them a great choice for summer grilling. They are bright and refreshing and full of flavor.
These were equally as good reheated, so they make great leftovers. The recipe makes approximately 5 4-in burgers.
1 14-oz can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1/2 c. finely diced onion
1 small yellow squash
2 small carrots, trimmed & washed
3/4 c. - 1 c. loosely packed fresh herbs, such as oregano, parsley, basil and mint, chopped
3 Tbs coconut flour
1 large egg, beaten
2 scant Tbs whole-milk Greek yogurt
1/2 tsp salt
Chop squash and carrots in a food processor.
Process chickpeas in a food processor to consistency of rough meal or mash with a fork.
Combine mashed chickpeas, onion, squash, carrots, and chopped herbs in a large bowl.
In a small bowl, whisk together the egg, Greek yogurt and salt. Add coconut flour and whisk to even consistency.
Add egg mixture to chickpea mixture and combine thoroughly with large rubber spatula or your hands. Form mixture into patties.
Grill on sheet of aluminum foil for 7-10 min. Gently flip and grill 8 min on other side. Alternatively, cook in skillet over medium-high heat until seared on both sides.
Mashed chickpeas + chopped hers
Chopped squash and carrots
Chickpea burgers prior to grilling